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Country: Palestine, Jordan (JO)
Purpose: Dual-purpose (table and oil)
Distribution: Palestine, Jordan and Lebanon
Synonyms: Nabala Baladi”, “Baladi”, “Bathni”, “Khudr”, “Krari”, “Kteit”, “Nabala”, “Roman”, “Souri”.
Agronomic and commercial considerations:
It is a variety that belongs to the “Souri” group. It is common in the lands of the West Bank, where it is sometimes called “Roman” as a testimony of the antiquity of its cultivation. It represents 90% of the olive trees under production in Palestine. Cultivation is widespread, mainly in the mountainous areas of the northern and central West Bank. It is considered to be slow growing under dry conditions, and is hardy, with a medium entry in production. Partially self-compatible with high and alternate productivity. It has a high oil content, and it is also grown as a green table olive. It is resistant to cold and drought but fears the olive fruit fly (Bactrocera oleae) and is sensitive to olive leaf spot (Cycloconium oleaginum).

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