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IOC – Madrid

The IOC (International Olive Council) is the world’s only international intergovernmental organisation in the field of olive oil and table olives.

The International Olive Council (IOC) was established in 1959 under the sponsorship of the United Nations to manage a series of international agreements on commodities that have taken place over the past sixty years, with the aim of protecting and promoting olive growing, olive oil, and table olives. The headquarters of the IOC are located in Madrid, Spain.

The IOC plays a key role in promoting sustainable and responsible development of olive growing, serving as a global forum where its members can discuss political issues and address current and future challenges.

Its current members include major international producers and exporters of olive oil and table olives. The producing member countries of the IOC contribute to approximately 94% of the world’s olive oil production, with a particular emphasis on the Mediterranean region.

The IOC is strongly committed to the integrated and sustainable development of olive growing globally. It seeks to translate this commitment into tangible results for its member countries and, above all, for those who depend on olive production for their livelihoods.

The garden of IOC – Madrid
